Fire Risk Assessment

We check it all

We check, review and advice to ensure maximum safety

Identify fire hazards

Sources of ignition.
Sources of fuel.
Sources of oxygen.

Identify people at risk

People in and around the premises.
People who are especially at risk.

Evaluate, remove or reduce, and protect from risk

Evaluate the risk of a fire starting.
Evaluate the risk to people from a fire.
Remove or reduce fire hazards.
Remove or reduce the risks to people from a fire.
Protect people by providing fire precautions.

Record, plan, inform and instruct

Record any major findings and action taken.
Discuss and work with other responsible persons.
Prepare an emergency plan.
Inform and instruct relevant people.
Provide training.


Review fire risk assessment regularly.
Make changes where necessary.

Guaranteed Satisfaction

A Fire Risk Assessment is the most vital component in an organisation’s fire safety strategy. The starting point for all fire precaution activity, it provides crucial information on all aspects of fire safety from the correct category for an alarm system to the required signage.

The Fire Risk Assessment is also an important legal requirement under The Fire Safety Order 2005. The Responsible Person has a duty to ensure that the Assessment is carried out, up to date and actions are taken on works required in the Assessment. The Responsible Person is usually the employer, the person in control or owner of the building – or someone designated to the role.

Get In Touch

We welcome your call or email. Alternatively use our simple form to contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Remember, you are also very welcome to a FREE consultation!